Saint Brigid of Kildare School implements courses of study provided by the Catholic Diocese of Columbus Office of Education. These courses of study are based on national and state standards, and meet all requirements set forth by the State of Ohio and our accrediting body, the Ohio Catholic Schools Accrediting Association.
As a school in the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Saint Brigid of Kildare School builds on hundreds of years of educational tradition and faith formation. Students learn the rich academic components of our faith, and also the lifestyle to which we are all called. A yearly school theme based on our mission statement guides faith-based interdisciplinary work and allows the integration of grade level and school wide service learning projects.
The State Board of Education and the Catholic Diocese of Columbus Office of Catholic Schools have adopted Ohio’s Learning Standards in Mathematics. The kindergarten – grade 8 standards are fewer in number but more rigorous than our previous courses of study. Standards are taken from areas which include counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in base ten, measurement and data, geometry, statistics and probability, and functions, depending on the grade level.
English-Language Arts
With the adoption of Ohio’s Learning Standards in ELA, our students will integrate skills of reading, writing, listening, viewing, speaking, thinking, and studying with great rigor. Some major shifts in instruction are embedded in the ELACC, including building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction, reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational, and regular practice with complex text and its academic language.
Students participate in a fully integrated, inquiry-based science program encouraging critical thought. A fully equipped science lab and countless hands-on experiments and experiences support this program that includes physical, earth, and life sciences.
Social, physical, and emotional health are the basis of this content area. Safety issues, including internet and online safety, receive great focus.
Social Studies
History, culture, government, economics, and current events are the pillars upon which the social studies program is built. Field trips and a school-wide service learning program combine to make this an authentic study of one’s interaction with the world and its people. Great import is placed on answering essential questions based on personal responsibility and the nation’s role in issues of justice and equality.
Our K-8 Spanish curriculum meets the requirements of the NCLB-BRS program. Using the 5 C’s Model (communication, culture, connections, comparisons, communities), students work to develop global awareness and a respect for cultural diversity. Lessons include a study of vocabulary, auditory recognition, visual recognition, written expression, and cultural experiences.
Fine Arts
Through their study of the fine arts, students learn to appreciate the beauty of the world around them. Weekly instruction in art and music allows for the development of the whole student and offers unique areas of expression.
Physical Education
A commitment to wellness is supported by weekly physical education classes. Based on cooperation rather than competition, students work together to develop life-long fitness skills and habits.
A wireless, state of the art campus allows for technology integration across the content areas. With the help of the Innovation Team students learn to competently utilize the Google Suite. All students K – 8 have access to a personal tablet or chromebook for daily work. Our Innovation Team collaborates with teachers to teach safe and appropriate internet research skills, making tables and graphs, and manipulating photographs and video in all content areas. Smart technology is utilized in every classroom for Google Meets, video streaming and virtual collaboration and field trips.