EdChoice Application Instructions

Please follow the instructions below to apply, and view the flyer below for more information about this program and how it may impact you (and for a printable checklist).

We are asking that all families* desiring any tuition assistance apply for EdChoice. This will allow us to reallocate our scholarship, grant, and aid dollars to ensure families receive maximum support. 

*If your child is a Jon Peterson scholarship recipient, please continue to apply for the Jon Peterson scholarship instead of the EdChoice scholarship. This will allow our school to maximize Peterson services and continue to provide the individualized and specialized services needed to thrive and succeed.

To apply for an EdChoice scholarship for the 2024-25 school year:

New Applicants

For new applicants (families NOT currently receiving the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship) and current families with incoming Kindergartners, please submit the following to edchoice@stbrigid-school.org:

  1. The 2024-2025 request form – complete, sign, and date (one application per child).Scholarship Request Form
  2. A copy of the student’s birth certificate
  3. A current proof of address. A utility bill must have both the “billing” and “service” address listed, and the bill must be within the last 90 days.  Electric, gas, and water bills are acceptable. 
  4. A check deposit form  Check Deposit Form
  5. Finally, complete the Income Verification process online (If you have already completed the Income Verification for the 2023-24 school year for another child already enrolled, you do not need to resubmit. If your income has changed, you may resubmit through your Income Verification app in your OHID.)Income Verification Instructions


For renewal of your EdChoice scholarship (except current 8th graders), please submit the following to edchoice@stbrigid-school.org:   

  1. The renewal application complete, sign and date (one application per child).Renewal Form (updated link 2.28.24)
  2. A current proof of address. A utility bill must have both the “billing” and “service” address listed, and the bill must be within the last 90 days.  Electric, gas, and water bills are acceptable. 
  3. Income Verification is not required. The state will use your Income Verification from the 2023-24 school year.  If your income has changed, you may resubmit through your income verification app in your OHID. 

Eligibility Requirements:
Please note, in order to continue to receive your scholarship, children may not have more than 20 unexcused absences per year (click here for a definition of unexcused absences) and are required to complete the STAR assessments in grades K-8 and the Ohio state science test in grades 5 and 8, as given by the school.

If you have any questions, please email edchoice@stbrigid-school.org or call (614) 718-5825.

New Changes for the 2024-2025 EdChoice Scholarship:

  • Parents and schools have 2 options for signatures: Physically signing the applications (wet signature) or using a qualified e-signature with third party verification. Typed signatures are not acceptable.
  • Beginning February 1st, families whose households include dependents over age 18 will be able to include them as household members in the Income Verification system. If you wish to include dependents over 18 years old as household members, they must be listed on the Form 1040 federal tax return as a dependent. Parents must upload a copy of their federal income tax Form 1040 when entering the dependents.
  • If parents are submitting income verification for the first time or are submitting new income for renewal, please wait and submit the Income Verification AFTER the student’s application has been entered into the scholarship system. You will receive notification that your application has been received and submitted to the ODE from St. Brigid.  You can then complete the Income Verification.