In today’s world, safely navigating the digital world is an essential skill.  Saint Brigid of Kildare students are taught to be Kind, Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn. The expectation is the same in the digital world. Being proactive in the school setting is our first level of defense. Strong firewalls, internet filters, and adult supervision are just some of the ways St. Brigid is actively monitoring online student safety. We teach the dos and don’ts of internet safety, and going beyond that, we teach critical thinking skills and how students should navigate through a digital dilemma. We teach our younger children to stop and think, “Is this a ‘Just Right’ site?” Instruction continues to develop into middle school on building positive online relationships, safely sharing information, and collaborating online.

We recommend these sites for parents:

Online Safety for Children and Teens: A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Safe Online

Common Sense Media