Faith Learned
Students at Saint Brigid of Kildare School are immersed in the Catholic faith on a daily basis. Religion classes are held daily, so that students have the opportunity to learn their faith at an age-appropriate level. Our course of study covers the standards of Knowledge of the Faith, the Liturgy and Sacraments, Moral Formation, Prayer, Participating in the Life and Mission of the Church, and Christian Anthropology. Teachers participate in continuing education through the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University.
Faith Practiced
Every day at Saint Brigid of Kildare School begins with prayer. Students pray when classes change, before lunch, and at the end of the day. Students learn how to quiet themselves for prayer, and learn by heart many Catholic prayers. Students learn to pray for others, for the needs of others, for peace in the world, and for our beloved departed. Students pray the Rosary together as a school in October and May. Every Friday at noon, the school children stop and pray the traditional noon prayer, the Angelus. Students mark the seasons of the liturgical year, which are even reinforced daily in our Catholic daily planner for students. Our saint heroes are observed throughout the liturgical year as well.
Faith Lived
Students attend Mass every week, and participate in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Favorite Masses of the year include our back-to-school Mass, our All Saints’ Day Mass complete with younger students wearing or carrying symbols of the saints, our Marian Masses, and our end-of-the-year Leadership Mass and Graduation Mass. Students participate in a sacramental preparation program in second grade as they prepare for their First Reconciliation and their First Communion, and in eighth grade as they prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. Focusing on the corporal works of mercy, children join in school-wide collections for those in need, and learn to help others by sharing what they have. Our Catholic culture is supported by our cafeteria staff, who make sure that our lunch menu is without meat on every Friday in Lent. Advent, Christmas, and Easter songs are learned in music class, and Christmas pageants are performed by our youngest students.
Student Disciples
Saint Brigid students learn that we are all called to be disciples of Christ. We show this through actions of kindness, respect, and responsibility. At school, we also show this by being ready to learn at all times. Students in grades K-8 live according to these four tenets of discipleship, which serve as the foundation of our student code of conduct. Students self-assess them on these four characteristics throughout the year, and teachers evaluate students’ progress in living these four tenets on our quarterly report card.